The short answer: Yes! Pre-gym primping is considered a major no-no, but sometimes we simply do not have the time to stop and re-beautify after hitting the weights. It’s no big deal since we’re going to wash everything off later, right? Wrong.


When we start sweating (which will obviously happen during a workout), our pores open up to release the sweat. If you’re wearing makeup, you are actually blocking your skin’s ability to breathe, and in turn, causing that makeup to seep into your open pores. This can result in some really nasty breakouts, as clogged pores are bound to cause irritation to your poor skin.

That being said, if you’re a busy bee and don’t have the time or patience to remove all of your makeup and reapply afterwards, at least wipe off some of that sweat during exercise and touch things up before you head out. Remember, everyone at the gym is there to better themselves, not to judge you. So try not to worry about looking perfect for your workout, and your skin will thank you in the long run.

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Kaila Homes | Beauty Bartender

Kaila is a west coast wanderer nestled in the heart of Washington State. She describes herself as an online shopping extraordinaire, lover of life, and makeup hoarder. She also enjoys doing DIY projects, sharing a good laugh over coffee, and spending time with her daughter, Ava. You will most likely find Kaila behind a camera lens, exploring the great outdoors, or writing for her new lifestyle blog,

Instagram: @kailagrayce

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