I’ve had acne for as long as I can remember. It all started when I was a preteen. I had just started wearing makeup, and had no idea what a skincare routine was. So I piled on makeup, never considering the clogged pores and subsequent acne it would leave behind. My acne is also more than likely a genetic predisposition, as it has followed me into my mid-20’s. After all my acne treatment missteps over the years, I have finally found a solution that cleared up my skin. Read on to learn about my journey to clear skin, and the simple product that changed everything.

My first attempt to eliminate my acne was in middle school. I tried as many over-the-counter products as I could get my hands on, with no success. Once my skin got really out of hand, my mom took me to a dermatologist. He prescribed antibiotics, Retin-A Micro, a rip off product line that he sold in his office, and a bi-weekly acid wash that burned my skin so bad it peeled. It sure cleared up the acne, but it came right back if I missed my scheduled appointments by more than a few days.

College-breakouts galore under all that foundation

Surprisingly, pregnancy cleared my skin right up. I was so afraid of massive breakouts because certain products I had been using are not recommended for use during pregnancy. That pregnant glow is not a myth, but it quickly wore off.

Clear skin and barely a drop of makeup. Please ignore my awful eyebrows!

Fast forward to the last 2-3 years, and my skin has been a wreck. I had my first facial about 2 years ago, when my skin was so bad I wanted to cry. I learned that despite what I had been told, my skin was actually not oily, but severely dehydrated. It was around this time that I learned about the benefits of oil cleansing, and how important it is to know the pH of products you are using on your face.

As of two months ago, I have officially jumped on the essential oils bandwagon and have been convinced that they are the best thing since (before) sliced bread. I kept hearing awesome things about tea tree oil and its antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antiviral, and antifungal properties. After reading positive reviews, I decided to give it a go.

As a rule, essential oils cannot be used directly on the skin, due to risk of chemical burns. They are so potent that one drop of lavender oil is equal to one whole cup of lavender flowers. However, after a clear patch test, tea tree oil is safe to use undiluted.

I used Fabulous Frannie’s Tea Tree Pure Essential Oil. I applied it after washing my face, before moisturizing. To be completely honest, the smell is off-putting. I just applied it with my fingers all over the affected area, and moisturized once it was absorbed. The smell was diluted by my moisturizer. I completely stopped using any other acne treatments to intentionally test the powers of the almighty tea tree oil.

After two weeks of consistent use, I no longer had any large and painful cystic acne breakouts. My skin was clearing up, and the hyper-pigmentation from old breakouts was fading. Considering the low cost and ease of use, I consider this a successful treatment that I would highly recommend to anyone that suffers from acne.

Ashton Barker | Beauty Bartender

Ashton is working mompreneur from Iowa with a passion for organizing, blogging, Jamberry nails, and all things beauty. She has an ongoing internal struggle between her love of beauty products, and her fear of ending up on Hoarders: Ulta Edition.

Instagram: @ashtonb11

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